Monday, October 13, 2008

Some Pretty Pictures

In case you missed them, some nice high quality pictures I haven't posted yet. Once again from the earlier 4gamer article.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gameplay Video Musings

Very light on news as none has been released recently but I guess it's the nature of this kind of game.
Some observations and thoughts about the gameplay video. I'm mixed on blitz 2 not continuing the WW2 theme, it added a little historical angle which I enjoyed but I'm sure this modern take expands the possibilities of what can be in the game. As long as they keep the core gameplay, which it seems they have, then I can't really complain. The tank configuration seen early in the video seems to suggest that socketed items have been removed in favor of simple options for changing the body, hatch(+minigun?) and main turret. The world map is seen in the video and the flags of the two factions but little is known about them. The aiming reticle has changed, it's now smaller and the mechanism seems to have changed, we don't know if timing is still involved for a critical hit. Hit, strike, critical and kill are now seen above an enemy instead of numerical damage. When you're hit with a critical, the screen flashes red, who remembers that annoying warning voice in 1941?. Not much is known about skills right now. That's it for now, I'll post news when I get some.