Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Blitz 1941 set for re-release?

Thanks Peter for posting in the comments that Blitz 1941 will soon see the light of day courtesy of eFusion MMOG, publishers of Navy Field Europe. This leaves me with a lot of questions like will the game be changed at all and will it be available to NA players? Nontheless, it's great to see the game back again.

Update: It's been confirmed that eFusion have obtained the source and the game will be available to everyone. Look for an official website to be opened soon.

Update #2(July 6, 09): The site is now officially up. Register and check out the community forum, answer a few questions and sign up for the beta. Also note: the verification email arrived in my gmail spam section, check it if you haven't received it.

Update #3(July 31, 09): The tentative release date for the closed beta is August 14, check your email in the coming days to see if you've been accepted. All entries before August 14 will be accepted into the closed beta!

Update #4(August 12, 09): The download link is officially released at The Twowar frontpage now shows a countdown clock for the opening of the server. For curiosities sake, the client gives a wrong password/id error when trying to connect as of now.